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chapter 1

    thu feb 05 17:52:01 cst 2015

    “the class of 2013 ended 3 graduation party in thomas jefferson university,finally, crystal with singing and dancing "tik tok" (托马斯杰斐逊中学2013届高三毕业晚会圆满结束,最后,请crystal为我们带来歌舞节目tik tok”一个蓝眼睛的男生在舞台上报幕

    “oh crystal crystal crystal”舞台下的男生女生都大声的喊着


    走到舞台中央,灯光打在她的身上,台下又开始了新一轮的躁动,音乐响起,crystal转过身跟随着音乐唱道:“ wake up in the morning feeling like p diddy,grab up my glasses, i'm out the door, i'm gonna hit this city”她就像是女王一般 在舞台上散发着不属于她这个年龄的魅力

    “don't stop, make it pop,dj, blow my speakers up”唱到高潮部分,舞台下的人都跟着哼唱,“ nu-uh-uh-uh,nu-uh-uh-uh”随着音乐结束,crystal定格在了舞蹈的最后一个动作

    “oh crystal crystal crystal” crystal在众人的呼喊声下下了舞台


    “please wait a minute, miss crystal (crystal小姐,请等一下)”

    crystal转过身看着面前叫住自己的男人“do you h**e what matter? (请问有什么事么)”

    男人一笑道“miss crystal is chinese!(crystal小姐是中国人吧)”

    crystal打量了一下男人“yes, could you tell me who are you? (是的,请告诉我你是谁)”

    男人听后拿出了一张名片“hello, i am south korea sm company transferred to the agent of the united states (你好,我是韩国sm公司派到美国的星探)”

    crystal接过名片,男人的名字是金世国,确定了他所属的公司的确隶属韩国sm公司,crystal才抬起头微笑道“sorry, mr. kim called me bai xi was good (不好意思,金先生叫我白熙便好)”

    金世国无所谓的笑了笑“ it doesn't matter, do we this line is used, bai xi, excuse me, are you willing to do the trainee to our company?( 没关系,做我们这一行都习惯了,白熙,请问你愿不愿意到我们公司做练习生?)”

    白熙想了想询问道“你为什么会选上我(why did you choose me)”

    男人笑了笑“first, you look good enough, don't say that i am shallow, stars need a pair of good appearance to debut, this is the entertainment circle (第一,你的外貌足够出色,不要说我肤浅,明星需要一副好的皮囊才能出道,这就是娱乐圈 )”

    “second, i see you just on the stage performance, you are very good of singing and dancing, and the rhythm of this song is faster, and your breath has been very stable (第二,刚刚你在舞台上的表演我看了,你的歌舞都非常棒,并且,这首歌的节奏比较快,而你的气息却一直很稳)”

    “third, is that you send out the charm on the stage, you like born was born for the stage, these conditions is the reason why i choose you (第三,是你在舞台上所散发出的魅力,你就像天生是为舞台而生的,这些条件就是我选你的原因)”

    白熙笑了笑“i like singing and dancing, but i need to discuss with my family, i'll give you a call to tell you my decision tomorrow (我喜欢唱歌和跳舞,不过我需要和家人商议,明天我会给您打电话告诉您我的决定的)”

    金世国点点头:“i'm looking forward to your reply (我期待你的回复)”

    白熙回到家对着沙发上的女人说道“mommy, i'm back. daddy came back, i h**e to do something for daddy (妈咪,我回来了。爹地回来了么,我找爹地有事)”

    女人转过头“oh, bai xi back, your daddy in the study, by the way, will your dad shouted down, ready to eat (哦,白熙回来了,你爹地在书房,顺便将你爹地喊下来吧,准备开饭了)”



