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    sun sep 25 13:40:04 cst 2016

    a special lecture began thursday morning, given by a teacher aboard a space module about 340 km above her students on earth, the first such attempt by chinese.


    female astronaut wang yaping, one of the three crew members of shenzhou-10 spacecraft, greeted about 330 primary and middle school students at a beijing high school, through a live video feed system. "hello, everyone. i am wang yaping. i will host the lecture today," she said, **iling towards the camera, on board of the space module tiangong-1.


    the students on her class included children from migrant workers' families, of ethnic minorities and from hong kong, macao and taiwan. they are gathering at the high school affiliated to renmin university in beijing. more than 60 million students and teachers at about 80,000 middle schools across the country are also watching the live broadcast on tv.


    the first section of the class was all about weight. nie haisheng, commander of the crew, made a bit show of crossing his legs into a meditation sitting posture in the air, which only a martial art master can do in the movies but is impossible for real people on the earth."thanks to the weightless condition, we are all masters," wang joked.


    then, she introduced the special scale on board of the orbiter, which was designed on basis of the newton's second law of motion, or measuring the mass of an object through the net force and the acceleration.


    the lesson is aimed at making space more popular, as well as inspiring enthusiasm for the universe and science, according to zhou jianping, designer-in-chief of china's manned space program, who added that the lesson will also accumulate experience for similar larger activities.

