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    sat jun 18 13:11:15 cst 2016

    there is a love, it does not make widely known; there is a love, it is not good, there is a love, it cannot easily be read - it is a father.

    when i write the word \"father\", my eyes full of tears, can't say how regret and love in my heart. the pearly memory still emerged the picture of that can't forget.

    it is in the second day, i gradually become cumbersome and heavy learning tasks. i was clumsy, it is time consuming and demanding to learn and effort. almost every day from 7 o 'clock in the morning to half past eight in the evening this time are learning at school, at home and want to stay up late in the morning to finish my homework, then accompany me every night is the cup of hot tea from won't be cold. every night when i was going to be sleepy there will always be a cup of hot tea quietly appear in my table, i do not know why from won't be cold. sip, sweet, with a trace of bitterness, and a warm current ooze body each corner, dispel my drowsiness.

    have so a cup of tea every night to accompany, i can always up, hurry up good rest to finish my homework as soon as possible.

    memory in the deepest one, is the hallway outside classroom, the students are playing, i absent-minded, someone gave me a cry all of a sudden, have been knocked down by a clas**ate when i react, and a sprained foot does not move. school doctor advised me to go to a hospital you, haven't finished a figure squatting in front me: \"come, back you went to the hospital to see dad.\" i pretended not to hear, is not willing to let him behind my back. \"listen, to the hospital to see have no injury to the bone.\" dad said urgently, i seemed to hear clearly slight wheeze in mixed with a full heart. awkward for a while, under the teacher's counselling, i didn't let dad carried me to the hospital. to tell the truth, his back was not comfortable, there are some ge with pain, he labored behind my back, seems to me a le, he will be bent back down. a look at carefully, only to find that his back is not like what i noticed before big strong, black hair seems to be hidden in a little silver line.

    he hurried behind my back to the hospital to check, that is just a sprain, bone unscathed, he breathed a sigh of relief. then he already kubla khah dripping wet, am i too heavy, or because of what?

    at home, i did not speak anything went into my room, shut the door, left him a person lonely figure in the living room.

    summer sky is always dark very late, but once the black up is particularly fast, one minute can't see the face in the house. i open the lamp of the room, only to find that the sitting room is not bright lights, also does not have a sound, in is i open the door of the room, shot a ray of light in the room, faint light squarely in the sofa of the sitting room. found that dad had then fell asleep on the sofa, releasing the subtle and i gently move to the opposite the sofa, looking at his face. his face bulky pore, storing and releasing kinetic energy the entire cheek radiant with a pink, so that spread from the ears to the flush of the neck. forehead wrinkles at the moment it would be a stretch, but light a few, like be thumb-nail lightly across. the handsome appearance is still retained the faint traces on the face, just like a worm and aging never stopped since mother home on this piece of crawling on his face. my heart suddenly a quiver, so love dearly.

    that night is still as usual, i stay up late homework, again that a cup of hot tea table, but i finally know that night! every night was he gently i put a cup of tea table, in the cold is going to change when a cup, may be i was busy with my homework hasn't been found, may be his actions are always gentle, i don't make a sound interference.

    the next day, posted patch on my ankle miracle, vaguely, like a figure with a medicated wine at midnight has been help me knead sprain, can feel his movement is so careful, even will hurt me.

    thanks to his help me quietly rubbing feet every night, my feet recover so fast. slowly, i also like my foot with his attitude to me by his quiet devotion of the plaster cured.

    before this, however, since i can remember, daddy has been the metal gray face, without the slightest **ile. that look so stiff, like a feature in the film and television play, long in my mind. when he is angry is like a fierce beast, frowned, and with his eyes staring at us, severely the eyes shine to shoot sparks in general; he showed that due to long-term **oking and yellowing teeth, like a bite; then the roaring of the stem, much of his anger sound like a sunken mine rolling, spread very far very far. we like a frightened and timid before him curled up the kitten, family privately, he was called \"tiger\".

    in my large family, the proportion of women, the largest since the childhood often sounds my sisters brought dad will take me far away with his a friend exchange into a boy, i have a hatred on father of, in my young mind, dad not kiss or do not love to me, because i have never seen him **ile to me, so my father and i the relationship between the alienated, between the father and daughter, lost the human family happiness.

    until the 08 year, my father's business was a fatal blow, so the economic situation in our house there has been a huge hit. sisters found homes, share in ession to enter society as home, mother also return to their hometown to take care of the ninety - year - old grandma and grandpa, considering the minimum, my brother and i so brother to brother lives in, so i had to live with my dad, in shenzhen reading.

    the truth of life before and dad, now think of really good fuzzy, like we do every thing to each other, never talk. until dad and alone, my memory only slowly with the shadow of the father, the trace of coexistence with the two of us slowly, slowly together with our laughter.

    happy time always can't for a long time, now it is because of various reasons, to separate our two relentless, i in school, in his hometown, every year can only see the chinese new year.

    hate time passes fast, hate myself understand too late, time in ruin your face, distance in cut off my return.

    but i know that no matter how time destruction also cannot erase the memory of our good times together, no matter how far distance can't cut off my missing for you.

    all say the father loves the mountain water, father's love is silent, always silently to pay. thank you, my dad!




    那会我正处于初二,学习任务渐渐变得繁琐且繁重。本来就笨拙的我,学起来更是费时、费神又费力。几乎每天从早上七点到晚上八点半这段时间都是在 学校学习,回到家又要熬夜到凌晨一两点才能完成作业,那时每晚陪伴我的是那杯从不会冷掉的热茶。每晚在我快要犯困的时候总会有一杯热茶悄无声息的出现在我 的桌旁,不知为何从不会冷掉。抿一口,甘甜中夹杂一丝苦涩,随即一股暖流沁人身体每一个角落,驱散了我的困意。


    记忆中最深的一次,是在教室外的走廊上,同学们都在嬉闹,我心不在焉的走着,有人突然喊了我一声,当我反应过来时已经被同学撞倒,并且脚扭伤不 能动。校医建议我去医院拍片子,还没说完一个身影就蹲在我身前:“来,爸爸背你去医院看看。”我装作没听到,就是不愿意让他背着我。“听话,到医院看看有 没有伤到骨头。”爸爸急切地说,我似乎能清晰的听到微微的气喘声里夹杂着一丝满满的心疼。别扭了一会,在老师的劝解下,我才让爸爸背着我去医院。说实话, 他的背并不舒服,还有点挌着疼,他吃力的背着我,似乎我一挣扎,他的脊背将被压弯压倒。仔细一看,才发现他的背不像以前我所注意到的那样宽大结实了,黑色 的头发里似乎隐藏着少许银色的线条。



    夏天的天空总是黑得很晚,可是一旦黑起来就会特别快,一分钟内看不清屋子里的面容。我打开房间的灯,才发现客厅并没有亮灯,也没有一点声音,于 是我打开房间的门,房间里的灯光射出一缕,淡淡的微光正好落在客厅的沙发上。这时发现爸爸已经靠在沙发上睡着了,空气中散着细微的酒气,我轻轻的移动坐到 对面的沙发上,端详着他的脸。他脸上粗大的毛孔一张一弛,整个脸颊泛出一股粉红,以致从耳根蔓延到脖子的潮红。额头上的皱纹此刻倒是舒展的,只是淡淡几 抹,就好像被指甲盖轻轻划过一样。当年英俊的相貌依然在脸上留存着微弱的痕迹,只是衰老像条蠕虫,自从妈妈回老家之后就从未停止过在这张脸上爬行。我的心 突然一颤,竟那般心疼。




    然而在此之前,打我记事起:爸爸就一直铁青着脸,不带一丝一毫的笑意。那一副僵硬的表情,有如影视剧里的特写,久久地定格在我的脑海里。他生气 时更是如同一头凶猛的野兽,紧皱眉头,用眼睛严厉地瞪着我们,那眼神闪闪地要射出火花一般;他露出那因长期抽烟而泛黄的牙齿,就像是会咬人;随之他怒不可 遏的吼叫着,声音像沉雷一样滚动着,传得很远很远。在他面前我们就像受惊、胆小蜷缩着的小猫咪,家人私底下都叫他“老虎”。

    在我那庞大的家庭里,女性比例最大,从小时常听起姐姐们提起爸爸要把我与他远方的一个朋友交换成男孩的事,不谙世事的我对爸爸产生了恨意,在我 幼小的心灵里,爸爸对我既不亲也不爱,因为我也从未见他对我笑过,所以我和爸爸之间的关系渐渐疏远,我们父女之间便失去了那份人间的天伦之乐。







    father's day is coming, i use the composition to our father.

